In a desperate try to change the way i design websites i had the guts this time to use brighter colors rather than dark colors like you have seen before and im really impressed with the final render . I got out of the boxy model websites .
The good thing now is that i can integrate PHP & MYSQL into my designs to create Dynamic sites like the news and the portfolio , the layout is a liquid design or so called full flash browser that resizes some of the content and centers the main content in the middle depending on user resolution …
oh ya …You have to listen to that track on my website now it ROCKS !
Like Moe ( Munther ) said , i like your designs but they are all dark , so thanks moe that got me started a new design era =] …
I looooooooovvvvvveeee it ! Good choice with the font ! And loved the music ! Who’s that ? Joe Satriani ?
BTW… Don’t you think that you need to link your blog to your site ? I think showing your day to day activities to customers would be beneficial 🙂
thank you Moe , it is bu Joe , the magician Joe .
yes i need to add links to the site 🙂
hows the new Job going on ?
It looks more elegant with the brighter colors. You need to adjust the positioning of elements within the page though.
On an 800 x 600 screen resolution, some elements overlapped and others went off-screen.
BTW, the blog’s front page also looks neater. The most important thing after all is that the annoying menu which was obstructing the view of posts, is not coming in the middle of screen anymore.
Great anyhow…
Thanks Noor ,
Unfortunately i cant satisfy everyone , I will try and get the math equation to resize the content itself depending on the screen res , but again , its rarely to see someone using 800 x 600 scrn res .
Regarding the blog , i didn’t know about that menu because it was good in firefox which i use , saw it in IE and it was awful hehe !
thanks for your input .