Good news for Iphoners , you can update your blog from anywhere using your iphone , features like uploading pictures from the iphone photo album to your blog is a great tool & is available within this version of WP…
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For some reason I dont really like the iphone. I prefer phones without touch screen so that they wont get spoiled so fast
Definite bookmark! Will be coming back for more.
Cloud – how can you not like iphones??
I think they are the start of something that will end up in bandwidth for all and a massive reduction in the use of personal computers. very exciting!
i own an i-phone and i have to tell you that i-phones touch screens are different ( way different ) i have owned an i-mate before that and it sucked big time , calibration issues well , always !
but i still think that its not a practical phone , not yet ready , im not sure about the new version though .