How often do you receive a confirmation email and get to read all of it?

i usually read the upper block and scroll fast to the bottom to see if there are any other important information i need to know whether im ordering from amazon, ebay or just an opt-in newsletter confirmation…

This one was a bit different, is a card designing/printing website, the user journey; throughout selecting the type of cards and designing them was a lot of fun, and easy to use.

The fun part began when i received my order’s?email?confirmation?… It made me read the whole email with a big smile on my face!
That’s what i call a user experience joyness :


I'm Little MOO - the bit of software that will be managing your order
with us. It will shortly be sent to Big MOO, our print machine who will
print it for you in the next few days. I'll let you know when it's done
and on its way to you.

Flickr users, listen up: Please do not remove the photos from your
account, or change their privacy settings, until your order has been
printed, or some pictures may come out blank.

You can track and manage your order at: https:\/\/\/\/***

Estimated Shipping Date: *** 2009

Remember, I'm just a bit of software. So, if you have any questions
regarding your order please first read our Frequently Asked Questions

and if you're still not sure, contact customer services (who are real
people) at:


Little MOO, Print Robot

"We love to print"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Order details as follows: