I was leaving out of the Diplomatic area today , saw something flying in the air , looks like they had a rare fan !
UFOs? not 😀
they were promoting for the election as you can see , couldn’t take much pictures though ,the traffic light turned green upon my first shot .
hehe , Bahrain um el milion na’7ala (past), i mean um el milion Traffic light(s)(present) !!!
And oh don’t forget “um il million roundabout” 😉
We’ll just have to wait and see what happens with those elections.. il ba7rain amana!
yeah , hope dad wins 😉
yalla now i have to go and support him .
Bil tawfeeg inshala!! tell me how it all goes 🙂
all good well , except al wiffaq won .
Conngratz to them .
Good spirits moodyz 🙂
cheers ‘G’ ,
it was a good win i give em that ! 65 % of the votes …
meaning even of we got the rest of the votes we wouldn’t have made it through .
I feel bad for dad , i know he can make a change in there , he was and still one of the best .
Yalla , its good for him as well , he needs to chill and rest now .
Alla ya36eeh il 3afya inshala 🙂 thats a really great percentage..
Don’t feel bad for him, i’m sure he did his utmost best to make it through.. Trying hard is surely an achievement in itslef. Being the son that you are for him is definately a honur to be proud of..
Take good care of him.. he’s had a tiring past few months
Alla e3afeech …
:s , we got a spy in de house ?
how did ya know … hehe !!! [ > ]
Im psychic didnt you know?? 😛