There are many ways to reverse frames … i just did'nt find one that will satisfy my needs , so ended up with my creation 🙂

*Add the code at your last frame in the actions Layer .
var speed:Number = 20;
function goprev() {
if (_root._currentframe == 1 ) {
trace("going back");

var nIntervals = setInterval(goprev, speed);

  • Xplanation:

declared a Variable and called it speed limit its data type to Number , it will be used in the setInterval. will control the reverse speed.

var speed:Number = 20;

Next is the goprev() Function that will first check for the currentframe of the timeline if it fully reversed the timeline then it will clear the interval & stop the timeline , if not then it will keep on reversing the timeline untill it satisfy the condition .

function goprev() {
if (_root._currentframe == 1 ) {
trace("going back");

then our main controller , the setInterval

var nIntervals = setInterval(goprev, speed);

which is basicly used this way setInterval(name of the function, intervals as time in milliseconds);

Files can be found @ Zainals