If you are familiar with actionScript 2.0 , then you must've heared about the builtin tween classes …
But u r still limited to what you can do with it , so there are many other tween classes that u can use .
you can see Bahrain is listed under supporters at the end of the mosessupposes Page , Tnx to me 😉

You should also have a look at the BadassXML and other classes @ Mossessupose .

  • http://www.mosessupposes.com/Fuse/index.html
  • LmcTween
  • http://flog.fluid.com/2005/12/15/tween-playground-rereleased/

Ever heared of timeTween ? you should visit the last link its really amazing what u can do with the fluid classes .

catch http://www.fluid.com/experiments/tweenplayground/