“Silverlight is a cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in for delivering the next generation of media experiences and rich interactive applications (RIAs) for the Web.” – Microsoft
Now as far as i heard the SL can stream Video (probably wmv) using only IIS ( internet information server ) then oh uh its the new Gen indeed , would that effect Flash video files (FLV) ? or Adobe got its own surprise , you know Adobe is full of it now days 🙂
interesting that the phone being used in the commercial looks a lot like an iPhone. makes me wonder 🙂
It looks good, but will it perform good?!
Have to wait and see.
Yeah saw that too , uff bugger now Munther will bla bla bla bla yady yady yady over it .
time will tell indeed …
Interesting video
I guess in few years people will have one of those
By the way I saw something about microsoft surface
what is the relation between this and microsoft silverlight?
Thank you
Keep those interesting posts coming
I haven’t been here for a while
cheers tito m good to have ya on my blog matey …
im not sure whats the connection between the 2 products , needs further reading ….
you can see the demo here @ Delay’s Blog
you will need msft silverlight alpha plugin http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/silverlight/bb419317.aspx
what is really amazing that it can output video at DVD quality …
again this need silverlight plugin
http://silverlight.net/fox/ << experience the silverlight vid in action . notice in the status bar that its streaming an actual WMV files ...
Thank you very much brother for providing the links =)