Here are few of my favorite subscriptions to youTube video blogs :

  • annspade A sweet heart , with an amazing voice , what i like about annspade is that she LOVEs her subscribers & interact with them on daily bases . watch her space !!
  •  BodyPerformanceTV  Facts about our bodies , Weight lifting , Nutrition , weight loss , the guy is really good .
  • DellVlog    The YouTube home of, Dell’s official corporate blog.
  • Directorian  The famous  mambo dance maker 😀 plus more !!
  • GistheName  One funny lil guy , lawl !!
  • LUCYinLA  if ya been around youtube enough , you would diffenetly know who she is , an actor seeking job in Hollywood (* as i remember :\ ) , she got many fans out there , and haters too lol ! jee they should get some life !
  • slickmo527   a guy with good thoughts … Quote   “I will never allow fashion sense to prevent me from carrying whatever is useful or needful for the Heroic Struggle.”
    “The number of people watching you is directly pro portional to the stupidity of your actions.”
  • USAon3 some point of view on what happened on the 9/11 which was presented to the american public !! might be a bull … it just depends on who do you trust !!
  • VancouverFilmSchool   The best Vlog showing of some REALLY GOOD 3D , art & animation videos … Ze Best 3D ever!