got flooded recently with emails requesting a tutorial on how to get wordpress posts into flash , now i dont have enough time to make a tut , but i will go through it in here quickly so pay attention .

Important links :
XML-RPC on WordPress
XML-RPC home
XML-RPC tutorial press

Now as far as i remember i downloaded the movable type class from here

download the MTC ( movable type class ) and extract them in your folder on your webspace ( should support php) .

Now open up a new php document call it what ever you want , i called it test.php copy & paste the following code :

< ?php include_once("class.mtclient.php"); $username = "USERNAME"; //Blog user name $password = "PASS"; // Blog Pass $host = ""; //change this to your wordpress site $path = "/xmlrpc.php";//"/path to xmlrpc , keep it as it is , sometimes it needs // the full path e.g // create a new blog $blog = new mtclient($username, $password, $host, $path); //get last 6 posts ... $myBlogs = $blog->getRecentPosts($username , 6);
//cant remember why i kept the counter ....
//OH YA the counter will be used to plot user_data e.g user_data1 , user_data2 , notice the &
// mark below its what flash will read and split data based on " | " ....
$counter = 1;
// loop through the MultiD array
for ( $row = 0; $row < 6; $row++ ) { //At this end you can always Produce XML doc , or as in my case i added "|" // so i can split Data in flash later on ... print "&user_data$counter=".$myBlogs[$row][title].'|'.$myBlogs[$row][link]; $counter++; } ?>

now you can get more than title and link here is an explanation :

/* usage:

requires the following files to be in the same directory:

re-implements the following methods with metaWeblog
which returns strings “description”, “link”, and “title”
instead of a single “content” string.


also adds the special movabletype methods
which allow category assignment and retrieval
and for listing of supported methods




$username = “myusername”;
$password = “mypassword”;
$host = “”;
$path = “/path/to/mt-xmlrpc.cgi”;

$blog = new mtclient($username, $password, $host, $path);
$myBlogs = $blog->getUsersBlogs();

flash code :

var sender = new LoadVars();
var receiver = new LoadVars();
high= 22;
u = 0;
url = [];
receiver.onLoad = function(ok){
if(ok) {
for (var i = 1; i < = 6; ++i) { receiver["dataPacket" +i] = receiver["user_data" + i].split("|"); var Ntitle = receiver["dataPacket" + i][0]; url[i] = receiver["dataPacket" + i][1]; trace ("data " + Ntitle); trace ("data " + url[i]); trace('attaching'); _root.attachMovie("box", "box" + i, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root["box"+i].btn.ID = i; _root["box"+i].pTitle.text = Ntitle; _root["box"+i].btn.onPress = function() { getURL(url[this.ID],_blank); } _root["box"+i].btn.onRollOver = function() { trace('get some'); } _root["box"+i]._y = 65 +(high * u); trace('hight ' + (high * u)); _root["box"+i]._x = 0; u++; delete receiver["user_data" + i]; } } } sender.sendAndLoad("http://localhost/movabletypeClass/test.php", receiver, "post");

Like i said earlier , you can always produce XML doc from the test.php and read that in flash , there are many ways you can read external files , it all depends on YOU !
Flash & php source files can be downloaded from here ...@ ZAINALS