gotta watch this , its creative , i want a buddy like that lmao , wait until you see the ” im a lesbian” part , made me giggle …Share this:ShareEmailPrintFacebookRedditTwitterLinkedInPrevNext
Awwwwww isn’t Wallby just cute!!!
hahahha loved the lesbo part too!!
really artistic and unique!!
Great find mate ! Loved the lesbo part too, oh and the pepper spray was funny ! 🙂 you already have a friend like that remember giggs ?
hahahah sure i do remember GIGGS and viper too , btw how is he ?
uuhhhh .. the usual nothing changed here !
So when is your turn to get the coffee ? or is t my turn ? I guess there is no point of asking the tight arsed one ha ? He keeps promising us cups of coffee and I’ve been waiting here ever since ramadan ! with no avail !
well well well ….
lemme seee , not today Monday Probably …
i’ll let ya know matey !