Why watching the video through your browser when you can download the video to your HD ?

Youtube uses FLV streaming video ,its one of flash Video encodings, meaning you can actually download the flv , but in youTube its a bit complicated …
many thanks to http://keepvid.com/ , now all what you have to do is follow 3 simple steps/instructions …

1. Choose the site you want to download from.
2. Copy the link of the page with the video on it and paste it in the textbox above.
3. If you download an flv file, you need an FLV player.

when you download the flv , you will need to rename the file to the extension .flv e.g moody.flv .

as in for flv player i use Bee Brimelow player πŸ™‚ can be found @ Lee-flvPlayer i got it on my site because i have no idea where is it on Lee’s site , if you want 2 find it yer self > www.gotoandlearn.com .

Or you can just go with the one above @ point # 3.


m0o .