Yes , i finally got paid for some of my flash/actionscript work , though its not much but im happy and all excited about it !!
so now i started some how to believe that i can make money out of my hobby , eyh ?
maybe i should frame the money and hang it on the wall ?
Mabrook mate. Well deserved. Inshalla millions of dinars soon 🙂
BTW, Heroes show is back. grab your torrent copy or drop me a line and I’ll pass it over.
BuZain : how is zain ? 🙂
thanks alot mate , maybe i should torrent it , otherwise i’ll be hunting you next to the cinema hehe!
My lovely cousin :
thanks maybe you and i can start 1 once you get your hands dirty .
fancy a run ?
you wont believe that im still at work since yesterday night around 9 PM and now its 12 PM … had a netwrok crises !
fixed off course , cough cough , 4 servers decided it was too much on them … !
bloody email server thinks its cool , so it crashed !
Mabrooooooooooooook cuzzy inshalla you start your own business and make loadz of money take care see ya soon
love ya
Congrats mate ! About time man ! If this business is internet related, I am in with the capital and project management expertise ! Ha What do you say ? give me a shout if you are seriously up for it ! and we can have a chit chat ! 🙂
Hey thanks Mundo , you finally got a good topic to post in hehe .
Yes it is Internet related , i would love to , once i get done with college i’ll let ya know ( i’ll be free then ) will chat about it now , why not …
I’ll give ya a ring soon mate !