How come i never saw this before !
with google history , you can track your web activity (time , date , image search , phrases etc …)
cool stuff eyh ?
One thing i had my eyes on , the following :
Get the search results most relevant to you.
Web History helps deliver more personalized search results based on the things you’ve searched for on Google and the sites you’ve visited. You might not notice a big impact on your search results early on, but they should steadily improve over time the more you use Web History.
- Does that mean that google will change users search experience (for better or worse) ?
- Should search engine optimizers be worried ?
- What about the algorithm used ? saving our activity data hmmm
- What about ……………………… privacy ?
am i scaring you yet ? lol chill .
anyway checkout google history .
Well Google don’t record mine because i log out before start searching
any way it’s nice to have your search saved, cause sometime you want to try a page that from a search a while a go
Unidentified Solider,
Signing out.
For Google history to be implemented you have to register for it.
I can see the value in Google history but it is just a bit too much for me, I work full time on the internet and hate the thought of Google being big brother.
– for me (and Google) I want to know other peoples trends and activities, i know my own already. –
Here’s how Google describe its services
With Web History, you’ll be able to:
* View and manage your web activity.
You know that great web site you saw online and now can’t find? From now on, you can. With Web History, you can view and search across the full text of the pages you’ve visited, including Google searches, web pages, images, videos and news stories. You can also manage your web activity and remove items from your web history at any time.
* Get the search results most relevant to you.
Web History helps deliver more personalized search results based on the things you’ve searched for on Google and the sites you’ve visited. You might not notice a big impact on your search results early on, but they should steadily improve over time the more you use Web History.
* Follow interesting trends in your web activity.
Which sites do you visit frequently? How many searches did you do between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.? Web History can tell you about these and other interesting trends in your web activity.