GEOMATEC and MTC-Vodafone Bahrain have signed an agreement to launch Location-based Services for MTC mobile customers, the first of its kind in Bahrain. Initially the service will include basic routing application (m-guide) which allows mobile users to search for selected Points of interest (e.g. a hotel or restaurant) and obtain driving directions to the selected point by entering the name or address of the starting location. The user can choose between two options for displaying the output, either by text (through SMS), or map and text (by MMS). In both cases, the system will provide turn-by-turn instructions for reaching the selected destination. For customers who prefer to use a more comprehensive list of POI search categories, they can access the WAP application which will be launched very soon (through MTC’s WAP site). The LBS applications are hosted at GEOMATEC with direct online access to MTC’s MMS & SMS servers. More applications and enhancements are being planned to make the LBS a unique, simple and useful service for both local MTC customers and visitors alike.
more about LBS

Cool service, the problem that i can’t change my number (Yah still with Batelco), any way do you know the relase date of the service. maybe i can make my phone dual sim card or something.
Hi anyone know whats the contact number of geomatec as of today 16th May 2011.