A quick note on local permission marketing
"Beep Beep" an SMS alert, i pick up the phone to see the message and i go oh shoot, there ya go again, another zain message and without even reading the message i delete it with passion...
Seriously, how often do you get?interrupted?with such ads? ?whether you are checking your email or watching one of MBC's channel or probably receiving an SMS while driving, and how often do you delete that sms/email or switch to a different channel ... ?The important question is WHY?
Because you?haven't?opted-in for it at the first place, that means?interruption?marketing is not working for them nor on us anymore, it became another noise in the background...
Back to zain, i haven't asked for it, please keep it for yourself.
Batelco on the other hand got an opt-in driven sms "contest", but once you are in you can never get out ( you should probably dial 196 and click through the tree until you get a human to sort you out ) so even while you are roaming out of the country, they will spam you with their questions to death... there aren't any instructions on how to opt-out using sms!
Moral of the story #1
" Make sure to have a visible opt-in instructions and a visible opt-out instructions "
Moral of the story #2
" Even though you got an opt-in strategy it doesn't mean that you are not spamming "
Moral of the story #3
" DVRs were created to skip TV ads, not just record to record TV shows * MBC * "
Moral of the story #4
" We are witnessing the death of ?interruption?marketing, we live in a small island, be different switch to permission marketing, start by building your opt-in email lists or try viral perhaps?"
My next topic is going to be on email marketing best practices, hope the local big guys and their agencies are watching this space, it will really sort them out...
#wi-tribe @ Jordan advertising awards 2009
[nggallery id=1]
Radio ads:
- gold award
Category ISP & Mobile data services (press campaign):
There?s something in the air - Silver
Gift items Category:
wi-tribe FanRadio Category:
wi-tribe Launch Campaign Radio English Teaser and RevealerRadio Category:
wi-tribe new coverage phase 1 Radio ad - Bronze
Outdoor Category:
wi-tribe Pacman ?Internet is our playground?, ????????? ???????Press ad category:
Bus Ad: new municipality areas covered.
Zarqa, Jarash, Irbid, Salt and Madaba?s Routes are now available
Category ISP & Mobile data services (press campaign):
There?s something in the air
Online advertising in Bahrain
We've all noticed the appearance of online advertising in our country/region which leads to the conclusion that business owners are now realizing the power of the digital medium and the channels behind it.
This also means that they are budgeting for online ad spending, that is on its own an increase in online ad spending in this region.
Unfortunately companies like Zain and Batelco are applying it the wrong way, im hereby discarding the IAB guidelines and standards and just talking common-sense.
we all know What Zain & Batelco are at least locally we do, and most of us will find a way to reach their website when we require more information about a certain product or service (7elow?) Depending on what we are looking for most of us again apply the scan method in combination with the?baby duck syndrome, that is on its own frustrating if the Information architecture wasn't done properly,? now lets concentrate on ads bits, shall we?
If you are a facebook user you might have came across couple of ads from both companies which looks like this.
A part from its being a "misleading ad" oh well the usual Zain, when you click the ad it takes you to the index of their website "BOOM" there you are infront of 7 or more navigation links to choose from and you have been there before.
So basically they have generated a generic traffic ( a part from awareness ) to their website, but what are they doing with that traffic?
i bet a bounce rate of 80% or more occurs on daily basis because they smack users with the same website, which is not directly related to the ad itself.
Here we notice the absence of microsites or and expendable banners were they can collect user information from the ad itself without the need to navigate away from ad location, or simply link the ad to the related product on the site itself ( worst case scenario ).
you can find out more on ad-format variations on eye-blaster website.
There are more issues related to their online presence if you look further into new trends such as RSS, opt-in email newsletters/marketing and proper social media optimization/engagement, did i mention that they are also using tables instead of divs ?oh well its all about time me thinks, what do you think?
#SAS microsite integration with facebook-globe of fortune
Smart move from SAS ( Scandinavian Airlines System ), the idea is simple from its name globe of fortune:
you get to Spin the globe ( yeah spin it ) ?and you might win a free trip to a Scandinavian destination with a random Facebook friend ?, you will of course require to give the site a facebook permission ( by signing in ) for it to select your friends, once a friend is selected you need to motivate SAS ( 200 char max ) why should you and your friend win.
snaps below Linkage here >>
Texting while driving #BBM
Gwent police dept is behind the video below, hoping for a change and hault texting while driving.
So I dedicate this to my "blackberry heavy on" friends, BBM-ing, texting while driving, wont spoil it for ya, watch the video.