Labeled HOT & NEW by Udemy, my new course “Photoshop For Car Photography” is claiming so much love by car photography students.
In this Course I explain the following:
- How I shot the car
- How CPL filters work
- How to clean up the photo
- How to use The Pen Tool
- How to use Masks
- How to use Camera RAW to bring the details out
- How to Dodge & Burn
- How to fix certain issues with the image in Photoshop
Here are some of the reviews of my last two Car Photography Courses:
Moe is a really good teacher. He explains what he does and why he does it. I’ve been following him on YouTube for a while and this course just brings all the important steps to get a great edit together.- Wouter Vlaeyen
I really enjoy Moe’s tuts on youtube, so purchasing this course is definitely worth it. Every video contains useful knowledge, links and info to update your skills in this line of work. Looking fwd to the rest 🙂 – Gustav Brandt
Love Moe’s content and teaching Ability and enthusiasm. I would recommend all car photographers to learn from Moe – John Reed
I truly believe this course is amazing. It not only helps with new photoshop skills and knowledge it presents to you new ways and techniques that can be used in editing overall, not just cars. Moe is consistent, direct and isn’t too fast so you can easily work together side by side. The tutorial is worth all the money and can be used for truly many things not just car photography. I loved it. – Filip Zivkovic
Very good course, I went in thinking my photos were good but this has really given me a level up big time. I now have some basic experience using the pen tool whereas before..I wouldn’t dare touch it. I recommend and the learning resources were a great addition, now to make a start on your next course that I’ve already purchased:) – Rubin Eversley
Having had basic knowledge from Moe’s videos this comprehensive course covers the basics as well as professional hints and tips This course covers layering multiple exposures , using layer masks ,dodge and burning and selective erasing of unwanted items in the picture as well as enhancing all aspects of the final photo and the use of the camera raw filter . I don’t think you will ever find a more comprehensive course and if you do I want to know about it because this was fantastic. – Allan Cole
I really like how detailed the course is. The way the instructor (Moe) applies the techniques but also shows and tells you how to use another techniques as a variant I find really great. As both do the same thing but one could be used for a certain situation and another for a different situation. A good example would be time vs accuracy when it comes to certain ways to go about your work. Really think this course will help a lot of people. – Angelo Haak
To celebrate 2019 & because I would like you to start the year with your first milestone towards achieving your goals; I am offering this course at $9.99 for a limited time & it will END next month! Get it now (Limited Seats Available).
An opportunity like this won’t be available again for a long while!
I hope that you will leave your mark this New Year!