No, its not yet banned in Bahrain ( as im writing this post ) but it looks like its coming up fast and sharp!

Below is an email received from Batelco:

Dear Valued Business Customer

Batelco?s Enterprise Division is working to minimize any inconvenience for our business customers if Batelco is directed to suspend some Blackberry services such as the popular messenger or email.

Despite this being outside our control, we want to assure all our Blackberry customers that Batelco is working on alternative offers to minimise any inconvenience should some services be suspended.

We appreciate the importance of Blackberry services such as push email for our Enterprise customers and accordingly we are finalising alternative offers which we hope to deliver as soon as possible, if necessary.

We will address all our Blackberry customers? concerns as quickly as practicable.

All updates on this matter will be posted on our website

so once again ( i lost the count ) we are about to get banned from using something, rolling back on my blog posts I remember two banning occasions:

  1. The internet censorship in Bahrain ( Bye Bye Age of Engage )
  2. Mahmood Alyousif Blog ban

What i would like to know is again why? And why in GCC countries? Aren’t we by doing so stepping a bit backwards?

Why us Arabs? is it because of the porn materials ( local editions ) being shared? sad But true

Is it because we have groups that alerts people about speed cams?

Is it because of scandal materials being shared at a speed of light?

Is it because of fast information flow? And the fact that you cant monitor it/us?

how about sharing our thoughts with you? You only make the world laugh at us…